What happened on July 7, 2010?
What happened on January 8, 2010?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My Favorite Beers In Jacksonville
Four of my five favorite beers are all able to be found in Jacksonville, though it might take some effort.
First is Miller Lite. It is easily available at Gate, Publix, Daily's, Broudy's, Costco, etc.. Affordable. Union Made. Taste's Great. Less Filling! I think the only place you can't buy Miller Lite in Jacksonville is at my daughter's Day Care.
Second is Yuengling Lager (Light). Yes, I prefer the Light version to the original, but Yuengling is fairly easy to find. Same as above, pretty much where they sell beer in JAX, that store will have it in stock. Ever since America's Oldest Brewery SOLD OUT about a decade ago and went to a national distribution, it is easy to find here in JAX. I remember when I first moved to FL from PA and saw Yuengling and how "cool" that was to buy it, and now you see it everywhere.
Third is Iron City Light. Gotta drink Iron City, especially during the fall football season in Jacksonville. Now finding IC Light in Jacksonville is a bit more difficult. You can find Iron City at Fresh Market, and occasionally at Broudy's, but the only place I have found IC Light is Whole Foods. Yes, Whole Foods! Seems strange to me as well, but you can buy both Iron City and IC Light at Whole Foods. Didn't realize the hippies that shop there drink it!
Fourth is James Boag's, Tasmania's Finest. My favorite beer from one of my favorite cities, Melbourne, Victoria. Brings back memories from Down Under. I searched for it for years in JAX, until one day I found it at European Street. I was excited and every time I ate there, would pick up a six pack, until they stopped carrying it about a year ago. Then while at Outback earlier this year I discovered they now serve James Boag's much to my pleasure. Supposedly they have it at Total Wine, but I haven't been to that place in over year to check it out.
Fifth is New Belguim Fat Tire. Now this is one of my favortie beers from my trip to Vail, CO in 1998. Ever since then, I have been searching high and low for this favorite, waiting over 12 long years until finally I found it this summer! I have still yet to find it in JAX, but hope one day to come across it somewhere, somehow. By a minor miracle of God, while in Atlanta this summer, we ate at TacoMac late one night and Fat Tire was one of their over 225 beers on tap. So after a few pints, it was a well cherished drink, after waiting over 12 years since the last time I had a Fat Tire.
First is Miller Lite. It is easily available at Gate, Publix, Daily's, Broudy's, Costco, etc.. Affordable. Union Made. Taste's Great. Less Filling! I think the only place you can't buy Miller Lite in Jacksonville is at my daughter's Day Care.
Second is Yuengling Lager (Light). Yes, I prefer the Light version to the original, but Yuengling is fairly easy to find. Same as above, pretty much where they sell beer in JAX, that store will have it in stock. Ever since America's Oldest Brewery SOLD OUT about a decade ago and went to a national distribution, it is easy to find here in JAX. I remember when I first moved to FL from PA and saw Yuengling and how "cool" that was to buy it, and now you see it everywhere.
Third is Iron City Light. Gotta drink Iron City, especially during the fall football season in Jacksonville. Now finding IC Light in Jacksonville is a bit more difficult. You can find Iron City at Fresh Market, and occasionally at Broudy's, but the only place I have found IC Light is Whole Foods. Yes, Whole Foods! Seems strange to me as well, but you can buy both Iron City and IC Light at Whole Foods. Didn't realize the hippies that shop there drink it!
Fourth is James Boag's, Tasmania's Finest. My favorite beer from one of my favorite cities, Melbourne, Victoria. Brings back memories from Down Under. I searched for it for years in JAX, until one day I found it at European Street. I was excited and every time I ate there, would pick up a six pack, until they stopped carrying it about a year ago. Then while at Outback earlier this year I discovered they now serve James Boag's much to my pleasure. Supposedly they have it at Total Wine, but I haven't been to that place in over year to check it out.
Fifth is New Belguim Fat Tire. Now this is one of my favortie beers from my trip to Vail, CO in 1998. Ever since then, I have been searching high and low for this favorite, waiting over 12 long years until finally I found it this summer! I have still yet to find it in JAX, but hope one day to come across it somewhere, somehow. By a minor miracle of God, while in Atlanta this summer, we ate at TacoMac late one night and Fat Tire was one of their over 225 beers on tap. So after a few pints, it was a well cherished drink, after waiting over 12 years since the last time I had a Fat Tire.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A Fair Trade Sundae???
So I treated myself to my yearly Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream treat at this year's US Open. Figured why not drop $7 of my hard earned money on overpriced ice cream. It is for a good cause, like a 450% mark-up and profit to a company who makes $500 million in yearly revenue from ice cream sales (now I know why when you can charge $7 and get away with it). So I walked to the Food Court and came across the Ben & Jerry's booth and felt like I was walking into an Obama campaign office decorated with an Andy Warhol art exhibit. I should have turned around right then as I knew this wouldn't be good, but the options for Ice Cream are limited on-site and since I already ate a chicken/green bean/mashed potato & chocolate chip cookie dinner and an 8 piece chicken wing plate for a mid-evening snack, I said to myself, why not finish the day with some ice cream! So while waiting in line (actually randomly standing in front of the counter b/c there was no actual line and no one actually "working" behind the counter would tell you where to stand or help you) I noticed a bunch of posters touting Fair Trade this and that and peace signs and bunch of other hippie, liberal proganda crap promoting B&J ice cream products. There were pictures of cows and fields. Sunny skies and green pastures. Good old Mother Earth and groups of people holding hands, singing Kumbaya and eating B&J ice cream. It made me feel good that the .04 cents that they use from my $7 Ice Cream purchase was going to projects to end global suffering, the war in Afghanistan and Sarah Palin's Presidental Bid in 2012. At the same time I thought to myself, I just want some damm Ice Cream, and I don't need it to be made of organic milk from vegan cows, that graze on pesticide free fields, milked by members of Code Pink who happen to be dairy farmers. So after careful consideration of the menu, I selected a Fair Trade Caramel Sundae. With a name like Fair Trade, I figured it must be good for something to save the planet. My $7 was not only getting me overpriced ice cream, but I was probably supporting some farmer in Columbia who saved enough money to buy a parcel of the rainforest and save it from being burned down, so I figured the extra cash will be worth it. Anyway after a 10 minute wait to make the damm thing (4 minutes which was for the highly skilled, trained and motivated B&J staff to put whip cream on my "Sundae"), I finally got my treat. Of course as expected, it tasted more like Ice than actual Ice Cream. Your in New York and everything is overpriced and tastes like crap (besides Mammas, Mings and Carmines). On top of that, when do you ever get to eat a "Sundae" that is scooped into a blender, mixed with milk and ice and then blended for 30 seconds and poured into a cup. Last time I went to McDonalds or Friendly's that was knowed as a Milkshake, not a Sundae. A Sundae is a few scoops of ice cream in a cup, with a few toppings and eaten with a spoon. Not blended and poured into a cup and sucked through a straw. My only thought why B&J rebranded a traditional milkshake into a "Sundae" was that Fox News must have done a report how GW and Rumsfield must have liked Milkshakes back in the days after 9-11 and BHO mistakenly read off his teleprompter one time how he liked Sundaes (when he was actually supposed to reference a Milkshake). I digress. But anyway, to enjoy Fair Trade it has a price, like taste, value, quantity and quality! But in the end, that didn't stop me as I slurpped my Sundae in a cup down knowing I did my part to save Mother Earth. I want to thank Ben and Jerry's for being such a great steward to the universe, without their efforts, I probably would of had a cheap air compressed ice cream cone, topped with some hot caramel and peanuts. That would have been bad, as it would have probably cost half the price, come from a diesel powered ice cream machine dispenser (like the kind they have at the Golden Corral or any other respectable buffet restaurant) and covered with "normal" peanuts, which accidentally could have contaminated the next person in the line order. Wouldn't want to have that couple from California get peanuts into their 17-year old child's (who still has a peanut allergy and only eats lactose-free, soy rice, organic frozen dessert) order. My only redeeming moment from this whole experience was after I was finished, I put my emply plastic cup and straw into a normal trash can and not the blue recycle bin. I am hoping that all the time, effort and money wasted by Ben and Jerry to tout their wonderful ways will go to waste, as my one cup will now be a small piece of a landfill that will fill acres of land and will be unusable over the next 250 years or the time it takes that plastic cup to fully combust into Mother Earth's crust. Until next year, I will do my part in not saving the planet by going to DQ, Steak-n-Shake or Carvel.
** To read more about Ben & Jerry's Fair Trade and other useless, idiotic, meaningless policies, read the following link at www.benjerry.com/activism (Personally, I would rather give myself paper cuts and pour lemon juice on them then waste my time reading this, but if you really want to learn more, than read the link)
** To read more about Ben & Jerry's Fair Trade and other useless, idiotic, meaningless policies, read the following link at www.benjerry.com/activism (Personally, I would rather give myself paper cuts and pour lemon juice on them then waste my time reading this, but if you really want to learn more, than read the link)
If there was an Offical Tennis Stats Rankings, Chalmers V. Smith would be ranked #789 in the world. Do you think that rank is worthy of his skills? Or would you take the over or the under on #789?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I don't think I would "just eased through them and went fishin" in a john boat. I would be turning around getting the heck out of Dodge!
I don't think I would "just eased through them and went fishin" in a john boat. I would be turning around getting the heck out of Dodge!
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Walked into my local Costco Warehouse to refill on some Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum. Much to my surprise, I was glad to see the Captain offering $3.00 back in the mail for a purchase of a handle of his Original Spiced Rum. I am glad in these tough, economic times, that the Captain is out there looking out for the little guys!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Mini Mullet
First Time!

A few weeks back I took my first deep sea fishing trip. Went about 35 miles off the coast of St. Augusting on the Endless Summer II. Out at 6:00 am and back by 5:00 pm. Lots of fun, sun and best of all, I didn't get seasick! Fishes caught included Amber Jack, Mangrove Snapper and
some Beesline Jack!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
10 In a Row
The Pittsburgh Pirates have now lost 10 games in a row and have an overall record of 23-42=.354% Why do the Pirates SUCK so bad? What is it now? 17 straight losing seasons, about to be 18? That is unacceptable and a total embarassment to the city of Pittsburgh! It is totally ridiculous that the Mangement of this organization is still in place and allowed to operate.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
2010 Snake Count Update
Mowed the grass tonight and spotted 3. So to take the two earlier, their have been 5 confirmed sightings this year. All 3 were spared.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Second Political Post
And they wonder why we feel Washington is broken?
Tue Jun 8, 2010 6:19pm EDT
June 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. debt will top $13.6 trillion this year and climb to an estimated $19.6 trillion by 2015, according to a Treasury Department report to Congress.
The report that was sent to lawmakers Friday night with no fanfare said the ratio of debt to the gross domestic product would rise to 102 percent by 2015 from 93 percent this year.
"The president's economic experts say a 1 percent increase in GDP can create almost 1 million jobs, and that 1 percent is what experts think we are losing because of the debt's massive drag on our economy," said Republican Representative Dave Camp, who publicized the report.
He was referring to recent testimony by University of Maryland Professor Carmen Reinhart to the bipartisan fiscal commission, which was created by President Barack Obama to recommend ways to reduce the deficit, which said debt topping 90 percent of GDP could slow economic growth.
The U.S. debt has grown rapidly with the economic downturn and government spending for the Wall Street bailout, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the economic stimulus. The rising debt is contributing to voter unrest ahead of the November congressional elections in which Republicans hope to regain control of Congress.
The total U.S. debt includes obligations to the Social Security retirement program and other government trust funds. The amount of debt held by investors, which include China and other countries as well as individuals and pension funds, will rise to an estimated $9.1 trillion this year from $7.5 trillion last year.
By 2015 the net public debt will rise to an estimated $14 trillion, with a ratio to GDP of 73 percent, the Treasury report said. (Reporting by Donna Smith; Editing by Kenneth Barry)
Tue Jun 8, 2010 6:19pm EDT
June 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. debt will top $13.6 trillion this year and climb to an estimated $19.6 trillion by 2015, according to a Treasury Department report to Congress.
The report that was sent to lawmakers Friday night with no fanfare said the ratio of debt to the gross domestic product would rise to 102 percent by 2015 from 93 percent this year.
"The president's economic experts say a 1 percent increase in GDP can create almost 1 million jobs, and that 1 percent is what experts think we are losing because of the debt's massive drag on our economy," said Republican Representative Dave Camp, who publicized the report.
He was referring to recent testimony by University of Maryland Professor Carmen Reinhart to the bipartisan fiscal commission, which was created by President Barack Obama to recommend ways to reduce the deficit, which said debt topping 90 percent of GDP could slow economic growth.
The U.S. debt has grown rapidly with the economic downturn and government spending for the Wall Street bailout, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the economic stimulus. The rising debt is contributing to voter unrest ahead of the November congressional elections in which Republicans hope to regain control of Congress.
The total U.S. debt includes obligations to the Social Security retirement program and other government trust funds. The amount of debt held by investors, which include China and other countries as well as individuals and pension funds, will rise to an estimated $9.1 trillion this year from $7.5 trillion last year.
By 2015 the net public debt will rise to an estimated $14 trillion, with a ratio to GDP of 73 percent, the Treasury report said. (Reporting by Donna Smith; Editing by Kenneth Barry)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Boo-Hoo Perfect Game
Since I follow the Pirates and they stink, I really don't pay attention to Major League Baseball anymore. I didn't hear about the Phillies Pitcher having a Perfect Game last Friday (I think) until a few days later. I guess someone else had one earlier in May as well? Also, I didn't hear about the latest near-perfect game until last night. Anyway, I have only see 1 replay of and I think the guy was safe. Yes the ball was in his mit and foot on the base before the runner, but he also was clasping his glove and the ball was moving. He raises his hand and glove and then has the ball in control. IMO, he didn't have full possession of the ball, it was still bobbling. I don't even know if that counts anymore, because I am only thinking NFL where the reciever must have possession of the ball (and it not be moving in their hands). I kinda forget the rules of baseball. 17 straight years of losing Pirates baseball will do that to you! Anyway, all this crap about replay and the Comissioner giving the guy a perfect game is stupid. Mistakes are made. It is human nature. To go back a day or two later and change the outcome makes no sense to me. You lost the perfect game. Get over it!
Friday, April 30, 2010
2010 Snake Count Update
So far for 2010, there has been two confirmed visuals of snakes on our property. One in February inside the garage underneath the recycling bin and one last Sunday AM on the front porch when I went to get the morning paper. The one in the garage was introduced to my shovel and the one on the front porch accidentally met the botttom of my flip-flop.
Monday, April 26, 2010
She Is Back
Sitting in the TV room tonight around 8:00ish. Still light outside, but starting to get dark. See something small and tan dart across the backyard. Rush to the window and it was her, our friend the little baby deer. She sprinted by the swingset and back into the right corner of the yard into the woods. Went to the tree line to see her, but to no avail. Through out some lettuce along the tree line and plugged in the spotlight. Hopefully she gets some lettuce and I can spot her tonight with the light.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Travis Did Not Do To Do List (Update)
Stike one thing off the list. Well kinda off. The swingset is about 1/2 way done. A Frame, two swings and Gondola is up. It is operational for swinging and in place in the backyard. Still needs to be placed in the proper spot in the backyard. Once that is decided, I then need to attach the slide to the right side of the A frame (it is built) and I need to attach the Teeter-Totter on the left side of the A Frame (not built, still in box). Plus after those two items get attached, I need to figure out how to anchor this thing into the ground, so when you actually swing on the thing, the threat of it tipping over no longer exists, as well as ideally I would like to frame it with some railroad logs and fill it with fake rubber mulch. So don't expect any updates soon that it is 100%, but will post a photo once the final product is installed.
*UPDATE* I looked at it closer tonight and it is already starting to rust!
*UPDATE* I looked at it closer tonight and it is already starting to rust!
Deer the Other Night
A quick, cool story. The other night we were sitting on the back patio for a drink when we heard some noises in the woods. Usually something is always rattling back there, but usually something small like a squirel. Being pitch black out, and not knowing what is back there in the nature perserve, it always sparks my curosity. Usually when I hear something like that, I grab our spotlight. So we got the spotlight, turned the thing on and starting shinning all through the trees and brush. Then I spotted two white eyes staring back at me. It was a small baby deer, about 10'-15' feet from the edge of our grass line and in a small clearing in the nature perserve. I have spotted several deer over the years and usually once they are spotted, or hear us make a noise, they dart off into the woods. Well this little guy (or girl) was different. I must have kept the light on them for a minute or so on and off and it just stood there and stared back right at me. I started to walk from the patio into the grass and not only didn't it run away, it sat down and settled into the small clearing in the perserve. So I got a little bit braver and walked all the way to the edge of the grass line and the little guy just sat there staring right back at me. It was pretty cool. Probably no more than 10'-15' away. I thought something must be wrong with this little guy. Where was it's mother? Usually when we see deer there are others, plus this looked like a new baby. It couldn't have been more that 75 pounds. So I walked back inside and looked for something to feed it, as I assumed something was wrong. Maybe it was sick? Mabye it was lost? We didn't have any carrots or apples, but I grabbed some lettuce. Don't know if deer eat lettuce, but what the heck. I walked back through the yard and still shined the light on the litte guy. Still sitting there and staring back at me. So I got brave and figured, let me get closer. So I started walking into the brush and literally got about 1/2 way, probably 5'-10' away from the little guy at this point in time. Don't think I have ever been that close to a deer in the wild. Tossed a piece of lettuce but didn't get close. Still just sitting there. Threw the other two pieces, got it a little closer, but this time scared him off. He got up and sprinted back into the woods. Went back a few minutes later looking for him with the spotlight, but didn't see him and my light was losing its power. The next day went out looking for the lettuce and it was gone, so hopefully he came back and had a snack. Hope to see him again soon!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
First Political Post
Hippie Bins
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Princess Podkinson
I came across this new article today from News4Jax, The Local Station:
Survey: IPhone Users Obsessed
Phones Used As Watches, Alarm Clocks, Ways To Stay Connected Online
POSTED: Monday, March 8, 2010
UPDATED: 10:09 pm EST March 8, 2010
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Katey Weeks, a senior at Stanton High School, admits she can't live without her iPhone. She takes it to school with her every day and goes to bed with it every night.
"I sleep with it next to me," Weeks said.
Weeks apparently isn't alone.
According to a new Stanford University survey, most iPhone users are obsessed with their phones. Users don't just use their phones for calls anymore. They use it as a watch, an alarm clock and a way to stay connected online.
While Weeks admits to taking hers to school, many users take their iPhones to work, too. The iPhone craze has even hit the Channel 4 newsroom, where some admit to being obsessed.
"I'm probably on it every 10 minutes Facebooking, texting," one Channel 4 employee said.
"I call my iPhone Princess Podkinson," another employee said.
Emmeline Hayes, an addiction specialist for Riverpoint Behavioral Health, said the addiction is the same as being addicted to computers or video games.
"They have a very positive response in the brain," Hayes said. "It becomes a pattern or a coping skill."
Most users would argue an iPhone addiction isn't unhealthy. Of those surveyed, 70 percent said it keeps them more organized and more productive.
I don't know about you, but I know a lot of iPhone users who are just a little too friendly with their iPhone. If you have an iPhone and have a nickname for it C&M would like to know.
Survey: IPhone Users Obsessed
Phones Used As Watches, Alarm Clocks, Ways To Stay Connected Online
POSTED: Monday, March 8, 2010
UPDATED: 10:09 pm EST March 8, 2010
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Katey Weeks, a senior at Stanton High School, admits she can't live without her iPhone. She takes it to school with her every day and goes to bed with it every night.
"I sleep with it next to me," Weeks said.
Weeks apparently isn't alone.
According to a new Stanford University survey, most iPhone users are obsessed with their phones. Users don't just use their phones for calls anymore. They use it as a watch, an alarm clock and a way to stay connected online.
While Weeks admits to taking hers to school, many users take their iPhones to work, too. The iPhone craze has even hit the Channel 4 newsroom, where some admit to being obsessed.
"I'm probably on it every 10 minutes Facebooking, texting," one Channel 4 employee said.
"I call my iPhone Princess Podkinson," another employee said.
Emmeline Hayes, an addiction specialist for Riverpoint Behavioral Health, said the addiction is the same as being addicted to computers or video games.
"They have a very positive response in the brain," Hayes said. "It becomes a pattern or a coping skill."
Most users would argue an iPhone addiction isn't unhealthy. Of those surveyed, 70 percent said it keeps them more organized and more productive.
I don't know about you, but I know a lot of iPhone users who are just a little too friendly with their iPhone. If you have an iPhone and have a nickname for it C&M would like to know.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
BS Quote of the Day
"Andy, I am just gonna keep my hand of cards close to my chest and see how it plays out."
I love this quote of bullsh%t and wish I had the talent to come up with stuff like this on the fly and execute it so smoothly as it was delivered to me.
I love this quote of bullsh%t and wish I had the talent to come up with stuff like this on the fly and execute it so smoothly as it was delivered to me.
iPhone Balls

"Hey Honey, come here."
"I need you to turn the page on the recipe."
"Where is it?"
"It is on the phone. I need you to take your finger and scroll down."
"The phone, scroll the page down. I need to see what I need to do next."
Recipes written down on paper don't exist anymore.
Cookbooks apparently aren't commonplace either.
Now, you just take your iPhone, go to Paula Dean's website, click a few links and you get a recipe. Didn't know that, but now I do. Pretty simple actually.
So what did we prepare? Sausage balls for the annual company breakfast tomorrow morning. Take a sausage roll, bag of cheese, couple cups of Bisquick and some salt/pepper. Knead. Knead some more. And Knead a lot more. Bake and you have iPhone Sausage Balls.
*For the record I ate 4 of them and credited 3 points to my Weight Watchers.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Still Haven't Found Him
Still haven't found him yet, but he must be making some money on the web! Thinking about a John Galt Ink Pen, Dogtag or Hoodie? Here is your link to it all.
First Review

This blogging stuff gets away from you after a few days. If you don't keep up with it daily, you don't realize the 3 or 4 people who regualarly read this blog and want content daily. Actually demand content! I apologize to all my dedicated readers for letting a few updates slip, but will get back to the core of C&M. No I am not going to blog about PSU Football (yet), the Ebay room (yet), or more chores for Travis. I am going to write about Cole Slaw. A week ago to the day, I came home from work and my wonderful wife had a great surprise for me for dinner. Not only did she prepare a great Chicken/Mushroom dish as the entree, but much to my surprise, she had cole slaw as a side dish. Now when I first saw this, I just wanted to dig in and eat it, but had to wait for dinner. Now this wasn't any of grocery store slaw, but homemade cole slaw, put together via a bag of shredded cabbage and T. Marzetti Lite Slaw Dressing. It looked delicous, fresh, crisp, moist. If I owned a restaurant, I would put this cole slaw in a display. It was worthy of not being eaten, but being Display Cole Slaw. I was excited for dinner to start so I could dig in! So after we sat down and took my first bite, I realized this wasn't great cole slaw. In fact, it wasn't that good. It was poor. It just didn't taste very well. Now this didn't stop me from eating it all, but let's just say we won't be eating this recipe again anytime soon. It was dry and not moist. Lacked any flavor or spice. Bland in taste. The cabbage overpowered the dressing, and the texture was like eating straw. In fact it had an "earthy" taste to it. I thought I was eating something organic. Rehashing how this was made, many mistakes were made, but don't worry, we will learn from this as we move forward. First, we used Lite Slaw Dressing. Less calories=less fat=less taste. Second, amount of dressing. This bottle of Slaw dressing had about 1/5 left in the bottle for a full bag of cabbage. No way that was enough to make the Slaw moist, as well as when using Lite Slaw Dressing, you should use the whole bottle. Third, there wasn't enought time to marinade. Besides lack of dressing, there wasn't enough time for what dressing there was to mix with the cabbage. Use these few tips next time when mixing your own homemade slaw for an improved result. Overall, I rate this Cole Slaw at a C-.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Travis-Do List (Preliminary Version)
Travis/Trevor/Chaulmers/T-Rav/Trampass/Liberal will be coming down south a few weeks in March. As is the custom, our hospitality opens our house to him free of charge. We provide a bed, some water for cleaning/teeth brushing, towells and power to charge his phone. He provides us with purchasing dinner every night, purchasing donuts a few mornings, gas money (sometimes), agreeing with my wife on everything I bring up and helping me do tasks and chores that pile up. His help with the chores (and feeding us) offsets about the $2.52 he adds to our monthly electric and water bill. I look forward to his visit, as it motivates me to get these tasks completed. For example, the last time he was down, he assembled 4 patio chairs and 9/10 of a patio table, while I unwrapped all the parts and put together 1 chair and held the table while he finished screwing in all the bolts. There is a long list of chores that need to be completed including the following:
1. Fix broken door in the guest bathroom.
2. Hang broken fixture over blinds in TV Room.
3. Put together swingset and anchor to ground.
4. Install flag holder by front door.
5. Drill and install Address sign by front door.
6. Move remaining Christmas items into garage attic.
7. Replace bulbs to outdoor lighting.
8. Weed rockbeds.
9. Trim Palm Trees.
10. Lay sod over dead patches from winter freeze.
11. Paint and/or replace black mailbox.
12. Pressure wash driveway, sides of house and back patio.
13. Clean garage tool shelf.
14. Rent carpet cleaner for TV and Bedrooms.
15. Organize Ebay room.
This is just a few items that need immediate attention during Travis's visit and will continue to add to the Travis-Do List and post an updated version closer to his visit.
1. Fix broken door in the guest bathroom.
2. Hang broken fixture over blinds in TV Room.
3. Put together swingset and anchor to ground.
4. Install flag holder by front door.
5. Drill and install Address sign by front door.
6. Move remaining Christmas items into garage attic.
7. Replace bulbs to outdoor lighting.
8. Weed rockbeds.
9. Trim Palm Trees.
10. Lay sod over dead patches from winter freeze.
11. Paint and/or replace black mailbox.
12. Pressure wash driveway, sides of house and back patio.
13. Clean garage tool shelf.
14. Rent carpet cleaner for TV and Bedrooms.
15. Organize Ebay room.
This is just a few items that need immediate attention during Travis's visit and will continue to add to the Travis-Do List and post an updated version closer to his visit.
The 5 W's of JG
Today I saw a bumper sticker that read "Where's John Galt?". I always thought the question was "Who is John Galt?". I didn't know I was supposed to know where he is at. I was just trying to determine who he is. That lead me to wonder if "When is John Galt?", "What is John Galt?", and "Why is John Galt?" are all legitment questions. If anyone knows him and has found John, let me know, and then I can ask him some more questions.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Red Elephant
Since this Blog is about Cole Slaw, here is my first official restaurant review. Last Friday, we ate at a fairly new restaurant called the Red Elephant Pizza and Grill Restaurant off San Jose Blvd. It is a family-themed sports bar, kinda like The Loop, but with a small bar, game room and more flat screen TVs. Instead of ordering pizza (like the title of the place), I was hungry for a burger and ordered that instead. We had a coupon for a free app, so we selected the Bacon Cheese Fries. After ordering the burger, I was given the chance to have fries, vegetables, rice, fruit or cole slaw as a side. When I heard cole slaw as an option (and since we already had the Bacon Cheese Fries coming), I had to go with the slaw. When I said that, the Waiter was quick to point out that it was a vinegar-based. I said sure, even though I prefer mayo based cole slaw. The Slaw came and it was nothing to write home about. It was vinegar based and was fairly weak with the vinegar and seasoning. Overall it was lacking taste, dry and was served closer to room temperature, than cold. So after my first bite, I knew I didn't like it, but still finished the entire cup. Overall I would rate The Red Elephant a C- for its cole slaw. Once I get better with this Blog, I will remember to take and upload photos.
Friday, February 19, 2010
As I watched the Winter Olympics from Vancouver last night, I had a question to myself that I couldn't answer. Why are sequins the dominating feature of Men's Figure skating attire? Every skater last night looked like a diamond necklace from Jared being thrown across the ice (I wonder if these men go to Jared for their jewerly shopping?). I really don't know any men who wears Sequins in everyday fashion (Do you?). Ever see a man in a maroon sweater with sparking gold sequins at the mall? At church? In the grocery store? Shopping at Wal-Mart? I have been to various countries throughout the world and I have never seen some man walking down the street in Melbourne wearing sequin pants or in Paris with a sequin t-shirt. I have been to numerous sporting events as well and don't see sequins on any other uniforms that athletes wear. You don't see NFL jerseys with the numbers outlined in sequins. Baseball players don't wear uniforms with sequinstripes. Tennis players don't have sequin headbands or sequin wriststraps. What is up with the costumes? With all the sequins and fake tuxedos and whatever else they are wearing, you would think you would just put something on more comfortable to skate around in. Shorts and a t-shirt maybe? That would be fine with me. Why all the long pants and sleeves? If you are really good skater, you don't have to worry about falling down and getting cold on the ice, so you would think you would go with comfort over style. Just once, I would like see a skater come out on the ice dressed like Larry the Cable Guy wearing some cut-off jeans, a tow truck shirt and a red baseball cap. He might even get a bonus point or two just for now wearing sequins. Anyway, I am turning to the loyal readers of C&M to give me an answer.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Twenty-Six Point Five Percent
As my Grandpa used to say, "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in awhile". Well finally last night the Penn State Nittany Lions Men's Basketball won their first Big Ten Conference game of the year with a stunning 81-70 victory over the mighty Northwestern Wildcats in Chicago, IL. The Nittany Lions now stand at 1-12 in Big Ten conference play and 9-16 overall for the season. Just a few more wins, this teams gets hot, wins the Big Ten Tournament and the NCAA bid everyone thought would happen this year is a reality. Congratulations to Coach Ed DeChellis. With this victory, he avoids the possible scenario of tying the 1981 Northwestern Wildcats who finished that season with an 0-18 Big Ten conference record. Also with this victory, Coach DeChellis is now 30-83 overall in Big Ten Conference play. A winning percentage of 26.5% against Big Ten conference foes (At least that beats 25.7%).
Saturday, February 13, 2010
First Post
What the heck do you write about on your first post? Politics? The economy? Sports? Garbage? Bees? Nahh, I will keep it simple and just stick to cabbage and mayonaise, the two primary ingredients of Cole Slaw. Sweet Slaw. Shredded Slaw. Homemade. In a cup at a restaurant. Eat it as a side. Eat it as a snack. With a BBQ. Some Fried Chicken. On top of a sandwich. In a bag lunch. There are numerous types and tastes of Cole Slaw, but one thing I always enjoy is good cole slaw. Weis Markets in Pennsylvania has a good cole slaw. Publix in Florida produces a solid Shreded Slaw. Just had a good cajun cole slaw at Buritto Gallery, thought the portion is pretty small. Actually made some homemade slaw recently for the Super Bowl and it was outstanding. If you have a good cole slaw experience, please feel free to post.
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