Friday, April 30, 2010

2010 Snake Count Update

So far for 2010, there has been two confirmed visuals of snakes on our property. One in February inside the garage underneath the recycling bin and one last Sunday AM on the front porch when I went to get the morning paper. The one in the garage was introduced to my shovel and the one on the front porch accidentally met the botttom of my flip-flop.


  1. Let them live... they eat rodents. Would you rather have snakes or mice?

  2. What did that snake do to you?
    Just because it is, is no reason to off it.
    Educate yourself on venomous and non-venomous species. They eat rodents and insects.

    At the very least get yourself a hook (pinning tool) and simply capture it, in a 5 gallon bucket and relocate it. A simple pinning tool can be a golg club, or even better is a spong head mop. You can go to and buy a good snake hook or tongs. If using a golf club be very careful, do not apply very much pressure, you can crush thier bones.


  3. Venomous or not they can all bite and draw blood and that's not pleasant. Then again mayb i'm just saying that coz most of em we come across here r venomous???

  4. Is there gonna b another update soon?

  5. Almost a whole month without an update.

  6. yeah snake killer we need an update

  7. I can't believe this blog went a month without 1 single update. Disappointing.

  8. I won't post an update until PHG provides an update!
