Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Favorite Beers In Jacksonville

Four of my five favorite beers are all able to be found in Jacksonville, though it might take some effort.

First is Miller Lite. It is easily available at Gate, Publix, Daily's, Broudy's, Costco, etc.. Affordable. Union Made. Taste's Great. Less Filling! I think the only place you can't buy Miller Lite in Jacksonville is at my daughter's Day Care.

Second is Yuengling Lager (Light). Yes, I prefer the Light version to the original, but Yuengling is fairly easy to find. Same as above, pretty much where they sell beer in JAX, that store will have it in stock. Ever since America's Oldest Brewery SOLD OUT about a decade ago and went to a national distribution, it is easy to find here in JAX. I remember when I first moved to FL from PA and saw Yuengling and how "cool" that was to buy it, and now you see it everywhere.

Third is Iron City Light. Gotta drink Iron City, especially during the fall football season in Jacksonville. Now finding IC Light in Jacksonville is a bit more difficult. You can find Iron City at Fresh Market, and occasionally at Broudy's, but the only place I have found IC Light is Whole Foods. Yes, Whole Foods! Seems strange to me as well, but you can buy both Iron City and IC Light at Whole Foods. Didn't realize the hippies that shop there drink it!

Fourth is James Boag's, Tasmania's Finest. My favorite beer from one of my favorite cities, Melbourne, Victoria. Brings back memories from Down Under. I searched for it for years in JAX, until one day I found it at European Street. I was excited and every time I ate there, would pick up a six pack, until they stopped carrying it about a year ago. Then while at Outback earlier this year I discovered they now serve James Boag's much to my pleasure. Supposedly they have it at Total Wine, but I haven't been to that place in over year to check it out.

Fifth is New Belguim Fat Tire. Now this is one of my favortie beers from my trip to Vail, CO in 1998. Ever since then, I have been searching high and low for this favorite, waiting over 12 long years until finally I found it this summer! I have still yet to find it in JAX, but hope one day to come across it somewhere, somehow. By a minor miracle of God, while in Atlanta this summer, we ate at TacoMac late one night and Fat Tire was one of their over 225 beers on tap. So after a few pints, it was a well cherished drink, after waiting over 12 years since the last time I had a Fat Tire.


  1. With all of that beer you're drinking, you should probably find a beer labeled 'spare tire.'

  2. How do u have 5 favourite beers? U should only have 1. Clearly u need 2 drink more so u can pick a real favourite.
